When Is a Tooth Extraction Necessary? Tooth extraction is a common dental procedure used to remove a tooth that cannot be saved or poses a risk to your oral health. At Dameron Family Dental, we prioritize your comfort and safety, providing expert care to ensure a smooth extraction process and promote optimal healing.
Reasons for Tooth Extraction
Severe Tooth Decay: When a tooth is extensively decayed and cannot be restored with a filling or crown, extraction may be necessary to prevent infection and further damage.
Advanced Gum Disease: Gum disease can lead to tooth mobility and loss of supporting bone structure. In such cases, extraction may be needed to maintain overall oral health.
Impacted Wisdom Teeth: Wisdom teeth often lack sufficient space to emerge properly, leading to impaction and potential complications such as infection or misalignment of adjacent teeth.
Crowded Mouth: In some cases, removing one or more teeth may be necessary to create space for orthodontic treatment or to alleviate overcrowding.
Fractured or Damaged Teeth: Teeth that are severely fractured or damaged beyond repair may require extraction to alleviate pain and prevent further issues.
Infection or Abscess: Infections or abscesses that do not respond to other treatments may necessitate extraction to prevent the spread of infection and protect surrounding teeth.